The transnational platform of centres of Vocational Excellence for the emerging skills in Advanced Manufacturing. was launched in 2014 and received the European Commission support in 2015 in the field of education and training. In its specific field of intervention it is currently became the largest EU multilateral network combining a solid knowledge of skills needs and training practices with a well organised systemic and sector-related information system

The network was founded by well-known VET providers and industry leaders like Scandinavian Airline Systems, FIAT FCA, Jaguar Land Rover, the Italian National Research Centre, TKNIKA and other organisations and accreditations bodies from various EU countries.


What are the skills needed for the future of manufacturing?

In a context of demographic transitions, internationalisation of job markets, and transformation towards an information and knowledge-based society, the SKILLNET alliance seeks to empower Vocational Education and Training providers and stakeholders to thrive.

Increasing openness, flexibility, complexity and uncertainty are key characteristics that will define the future of manufacturing, and overcoming such challenges will require a constant flow of ideas.

This is why we are kindly inviting experts covering all roles (TVET providers, companies, governance representatives and individuals) to join one or more of the four topic-specific SKILLNET peerlearning clubs that will allow discussion, exchange and empowerment via online and on-site activities, with a bottom-up approach.